Sunday, August 21, 2011

The rebel gamble - brazen assault in Tripoli

A major rebel gamble has begun in Libya's capital, Tripoli. Overnight fighting was reported across the city as rebel supporters skirmished with forces loyal to the regime. While information still remains sketchy it is believed that the rebels are focusing their attention on the Tajoura neighborhood and the Matiga airport. Rebels claim to have infiltrated the city on Friday via tugboats, resupplying their supporters in Tripoli. At this stage the regime are remaining defiant claiming to have, in Gaddafi's words, eliminated the 'rats'. Again this piece of information can not be verified. What is verifiable is that fighting is ongoing and their are a high number of casualties. The crucial question at this juncture is 1. Does Gaddafi maintain significant support in Tripoli to quash the latest uprising. 2. Can the rebels capture or kill Gaddafi before their supply of ammunition is depleted. A large number of Gaddafi forces remain outside of the capital. Should these forces turn back to the capital, the rebel mini-offensive could be under threat...however, even if additional forces were to be moved from the front line, Gaddafi would lose significant territory as rebels are likely to push against any weakened areas. We continue to watch with interest.

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