Friday, August 28, 2009

STOP PRESS: UNIFIL mandate extended in Lebanon

The United Nations extended UNIFIL's mandate in southern Lebanon for another year yesterday in a move that is likely to lead to absolutely nothing. The peacekeeping force, which number approximately 12,000, was deployed in the area following the cessation of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006. It was deployed to monitor the ceasefire and lead the disarmament of the Hezbollah militia. While UNIFIL has accomplished some positives its primary mission, particularly in the field of landmine clearance, its most important mission to disarm the militia has failed miserably. In fact not only has Hezbollah rearmed it has also surpassed its 2006 rocket arsenal number. With approximately 40,000 crude to sophisticated rockets ready to use, the groundwork for a future war has been laid. If the group were a non-governmental group which was fighting for a 'homeland' or 'greater cause' the group's presence in southern Lebanon could be justified. However, Hezbollah maintains prominent position with the current Lebanese government and despite calls from Lebanese citizens (the majority I might add) for them to disarm and leave security in the hands of the Lebanese Army, they have flatly refused to do so and even trained their weapons on Lebanese themselves who attempted to disarm the group (May 2008 comes to mind). The United Nations continues to show how empty it is and that its ability to enforce resolutions is limited. We await Israel/Hezbollah round II.  

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