Friday, September 4, 2009

Settlements, peace and Benji

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "pull the wool over your eyes" Netenyahu has approved the building of a score of houses in the West Bank ahead of a potential freeze on settlements of 6-9 months to allow for peace negotiations. This has been done to ease the pressure he faces from those within his government to allow settlements and from the Americans and Palestinians (the Fatah lot, not Hamas) who want him to stop. Yet, any thinking person must agree that at the end of the day there will be more settlements not less just so that in a month's time the Israelis can say "look we have frozen all settlements". To any thinking person, this is an outrage. The settlements must be frozen immediately. Some if not most of them should be removed and the whole of the West Bank should be amalgamated into a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. It is only fair. Israel may be the chosen people in the bible, but the nation has long since given up any right to the land it currently occupies, in my opinion. Its people certainly should be allowed to live there, but if it wishes to be part of the great democratic world it must allow all of its citizens (including Palestinians in the Gaza and West Bank) to vote. If it doesn't want this it must leave these territories alone and remove all of its interests there. Agree/disagree? Post a comment.

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